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1. “你牛逼”的英文怎么说

You are amazing ; You are very cattle forced。

你太牛逼了You are so amazing,没你牛逼 Didn't your cattle forced,这个词在中文里就是比较粗俗的称赞。英文里在称赞人的词awesome,great之类前面加上就可以了。

英语中 awesome 大概是最接近这层意思的词,This is awesome!You're awesome。如果要粗鲁一点,在 awesome 前或许还会加上个 fxxking。

You are really something,你真厉害。跟着意思相近。

2. 牛逼英语是什么

1.牛逼英语是niubility或newbility, 名词。

来自niubility好搜百科2⑴.词汇简介牛逼;牛Bniubi是一个形容词:它的名词形式就是 niubility , ity做后缀以名词词尾,表示"性质","状态",这是某位有才的人造出来的,感觉很符合英语造词规则。⑵词汇延展 ①newbility newbility词根为newby,形容词,原意为牛B。

例句:I think the song named 你是我的玫瑰我是你的花 is very newby.我认为那首你是我的玫瑰我是你的花很牛B。比较级:newbier;最高级:newbiest例句:There is no newbiest, only newbier.没有最牛B,只有更牛B。

②newber newber:名词,牛B的人。例句:Jay is a newber,Jay是个牛B的人。

③newbable newbiable:形容词,可以牛B的,值得牛B的。例句:I think the cup of 34E is newbable, you should be proud.我认为34E的罩杯很值得牛B,你应该自豪。

④newbilization newbilization:名词,牛B化。例句:The newbilization of white collar is a global problem.白领牛B化是个全球性的问题。

⑶词汇用法 最近网上流传这么一句话,相当受欢迎:Many people think they are full of niubility, and like to play zhuangbility, which only reflect their shability and erbility.可见国人对于英语的热忱已经到了相当大的程度,为更好地指导大家使用这几个词的用法。这里首先对于niubility,zhuangbility,shability,erbility这几个词的正确拼写作出以下修改建议:niubility:正确拼写应为newbility, 名词。



3. 老外很纠结:“牛B”用英语怎么说


不过,老外吐槽说,“牛B”实在太难翻,这不是一个词,这是一个传说啊! An American translator in Beijing reflects on the word niubi and what makes it so difficult to translate, and it's a delightful read. 一位在北京的美国译者反映,“牛逼”一词实在难翻,下面就来看看人家是怎么解释“牛逼”的,很有意思哦! On the face of it, niubi is not untranslatable at all: the characters niu and bi can be rendered into English with great precision by the words – and I beg your pardon –'cow pussy', niu being the zoological reference, bi the anatomical. But though the denotation of niubi is embarrassingly plain, it's connotations are far from obvious. 从表面上来看,牛逼一词并非不可译,把两个汉字一一对等直译成英语的话,就是“母牛的生殖器”(翻译需要,请原谅我的不文明)。牛是动物学术语,逼是解剖学术语。


Niubi is a term of approbation, perhaps the greatest such term in colloquial Chinese. Niubi is an attitude, a lifestyle: a complete lack of concern over what other people think of you, and the resulting freedom to do whatever you please. It is knowing exactly what you're capable of, making the decision to act, and to hell with the consequences. It is the essence of 'cool', but taken to the nth degree, and with a dirty word thrown in. 牛逼是一种溢美之词,可能是汉语口语中夸人的最好说法了。牛逼是一种态度,一种生活方式,完全不在意别人是怎么看待你的,因此你可以爱做啥做啥。

牛逼的人对自己的能力了若指掌,自己决定要做什么,完全不计后果。牛逼从本质上来说就是“酷”,不过比“酷”要酷上N倍,更何况牛逼里还带个脏字呢! Of course, like all great philosophical concepts, niubi has an inverse side - an excess of niubi leads to self-importance, arrogance, hubris, imperiousness, and very dangerous driving. 当然,和其他的哲学概念一样,牛逼也有其不好的一面。

一个人太过牛逼就会自以为是 ,不可一世,狂妄自大,无动于衷,就连开车都要飙到危险驾驶才罢休。

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