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1. 如何将一篇中文文章翻译成英文

A smiling face, is a abloom beautiful flower in the spring breeze; A smiling face, is a hank of bright sunlight maping in our heart's ; A smiling face, is a meaningful life poem walking on the way to life.when successful,people can not help smiling, but when defeated, if on our face is also the pan-graceful happy expression, we are boats evading in the harbor temporarily for the strength saving . when in favorable circumstances, people smile frequently and happily, but when we suffer setbacks, if on our face is also blooming the calm dimple, we are a treasured sword placing on the burr to whet bide its time of exhibition point . If we can still show a faint smile when misunderstood by others, this is one kind of accomplishment; If we can still show a confident smile when wronged by others , this is one kind of magnanimous; If we can still show a happy smile when we suffer a loss time ,this is one kind of openness;if we can still show a self-ridicule smile when we are in predicament time , this is one kind of wisdom; If we can still show a optimistic smile when we have no way to go , this is one kind of boundary; If we can still show a dignified smile when we are in dangerous time ,this is one kind of openmind;If we can still show a tranquil smile when we are laughted at by others, this is one kind of self-confidence; If we can still show a gentle smile when we are meet lovelorn , this is a kind of free and easy. The reality often beyonds our control , but the mood actually is decided by us, As soon as we open the mouth to smile, life will become infinitly happy!。

2. 帮我把一篇英文文章翻译成中文文章,需要写的通顺一点

我是英语专业的学生,自己翻译的,没有借助软件,水平有限,希望可以帮到你! 北京四合院,是中国北方地区的一种庭院式住宅(院子四周都围建着房屋),具有高水平和代表性,是中国汉族人民传统住宅的杰出代表。







3. 把一篇中文文章翻译成英文 要快 急

Hello! My name is Wang Tao, a 11-year-old character is a cheerful girl named Alice my English because I like to watch "Alice in Wonderland," so my parents advised me to use the name, you may have been Yes, I like to read books, I became good at Hulu Si, painting, in particular, are good at English, and I get along with teachers and students of good

Year 6 4 my reading classes, I have a lot of friends, you and I are willing to be friends with you?

4. 一篇汉语文章如何转换成英文



5. 把一篇文章翻译成英文

First two days of the new semester, I plan to upgrade their English scores go up, lots of accumulated number of words and sentence patterns in class to actively raise their hands to speak. Math scores continue to do more problems, the consolidation of knowledge points, language, read more classics, do more reading problems, reading problems to master the skills to do.。


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