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1. You're the only one.

2. You are my one and only.

3. You are the one for me.

4. You are my only (one).

5. I have only you.

6. For me there's only you.

7. You're the only one I want.

8. I'll put you first.


1. If it is possible, I hope you are the one for me.


2. In this life, you are my only one. I will cherish you, we always together.


3.Know that you are my one and only.


4. I love you, you are my only , you are my proud , whenever I never you alone.


5. Do Not Warry, You Are My Only, You Will Never Be Lonely.


2.你是我的唯一 用英文怎么说

翻译为:You are my only one.


【读音】:英 [ˈəʊnli] 美 [ˈoʊnli]



1. only the President could authorize the use of the atomic bomb


2. The lawyer is paid only if he wins


3. She was the only woman in Shell's legal department


4. At the moment it is only a theory


5. Child car seats only cost about £ 10 a week to hire.


6. These are only a few of the possibilities


7. For a moment I could say nothing. I could only stand and look


8. I only wish he were here now that things are getting better for me


9. It's just as dramatic as a film, only it's real


10. I'd invite you to come with me, only it's such a long way



“你是我的唯一”英文说法“You're still the only one.” 短语: 1、你仍是我的唯一:You're Still The One. 2、你曾是我的唯一的恋人:you were my only. 3、你一直是我的唯一:You're still the only one. 双语例句: 1、我什么都答应你。

你是我的唯一。I promise you anything. You are my one and only. 2、他对她说:“我终于找到你了,你是我的唯一。”

“I've done my research,” he told her. “You are the one for me. 3、你是我的唯一,就像你是我的开始是一样的道理,就像你是我的海誓山盟一样的存在。You are my only, just like you is my beginning is the same way, just like you is my vows of eternal love the same exist. 4、就是这样,它已不再是秘密,因为我们曾经拥有过。

从今晚开始,我知道你是我的唯一。The way it is, it's not a secret anymore, 'cause we've been through that before. From tonight I know that you're the only one. 5、在这个世界上你是我的唯一。

You are only mine in this world. 6、你是我的唯一仅有的梦。You're my one and only dream . 7、不敢承诺永远,仅信你是我的唯一。

Can not promise forever, just believe you are my only. 8、除了你,我什么都不要,爱你是我的唯一。Besides you, I do not want anything, loving you is my only thing. 9、你有你的工作、你的娱乐、你的朋友,但是你是我的唯一。

You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you. 10、大海里有很多鱼,为什么只有你是我的唯一?There's a plenty of fish in the sea , why does your one have to be me ? 11、我爱你。你是我的唯一。

I love you. You are I only. 12、你是我的唯一,从那一天起我就一直在哭泣。For me there's only you. Been crying since the day. 13、只有你会让我幸福,也只有你会让我痛苦,你左右了我的心情,你是我的唯一!It is you, the only one who can make me happy and sad. You control my feelings and mood. 14、你是我的唯一,是我的依靠。

You are the only one and the depend for me. 15、宝贝不要担心,你是我的唯一,你永远不会孤单。Baby Do Not Warry, You Are My Only, You Will Never Be Lonely.。


1.I need you,because you are my Miss right.2. I don't know what Hellen of Troy looked like , but to launch a thousand sheeps today it must be you.3. You are the air I breath , the moon my heart to you. Every night when I see the moon , I will see your big smile.呵呵,个人认为就说第二个就perfect了。

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