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The first distressed I do not feel bad anyone and, at least not in my memory. In one morning, I had a feeling from the heart of the distressed. Because, my mother, my dear, dear mother • • • • • • Less than seven in the morning that day, I still immersed in the wonderful dream, it was a burst gently, slowly, feebly awakened by knocking at the door, I looked up and powerless, looked to the surrounding, but not my mother it! I think she may be back to buy food right now. I walked slowly out of bed to the door. Open, and a cold wind came in and turned into the eyes of the mother, but • • • • • • but she was not comfortable wearing casual clothes, but big, thick, red work clothes; carrying the delicious breakfast is not delicious, but the heavy work package; not a ruddy face, but, and pale, that the spirit has not; eyes were black like a national treasure panda. Obviously, she did not sleep all night, or that she work overtime plus a night, and now returned home. My nose is an acid, like crying, but did not cry out, because I remembered my mother always said to me saying: "Great morning, crying is not good" mother does not like me cry! I quickly let my mother into the house. In her description of off, I slowly learned that the original last night she was on duty, but just turn to a "large inventory" (the one by one all things in the supermarket check one) says it will start soon, but all of a sudden can be busy now, and ever rested. Now that I think is, RT much it! Like a sudden my heart broken as • • • • • • listening to descriptions of my eyes as if a man saw his mother lying on the table, facing the various departments to pay up form, the number of yawning statistics; mother saw huge piles of goods before finishing • • • • • • to blame the tears flow out again, I did not endure, when the vent vent it go! I just turned around and wiped his eyes with silent tears, did not let my mother see • • • • • • Now think about it, my mother has been so hard for me, probably when she was working overtime, I always think about was me!。






1、点击【开始】,出现开始菜单,点击右侧倒数第4个【Control Panel】,在中文里,这就是“控制面板”。

2、进入“Control Panel”(即中文里的“控制面板”),选择【Clock, Language, and Region】下面的【Chage display language】,前面有个地球和时钟标记,language = 语言, Change display language = 改变显示语言。

3、上一步,点击了【Change display language】,出现了如下的【Region and Language】,且选项卡为【Keyboards and Languages】(中文意思为“键盘和语言”)。Install/unistall languages。(安装/卸载语言)。

Choose a display language(选择显示语言): 点击下拉菜单,这里已经事先安装好了几门语言,“中文(简体)”也在其中,选中,点击确定,就是“OK”。

4、上一步点击 OK后,会蹦出来一个对话框。

Change Display Language(更改显示语言)。

You must log off for display language changes to take effect(您必须注销才能使显示语言更改生效)。

Make sure you save your work and close all open programs before you log off. (请确保在注销之前保存了所做的工作并关闭了所有打开的程序。)

点击 Log off now,就是“立即注销”。








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