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1. 在某方面帮某人用英语怎么说

help sb. with sth .或help sb. (to) do sth.帮助某人(做)某事,二者意抄思相同,

1. A short while ago, my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs. 片刻之前,我妹袭妹帮我把我的一只百旧书橱抬上了楼。度

2. I help him with his English.我帮助他(学)英语。

2. 帮把这段话翻译成英文

One day in late winter near the Qingyang Gong, a HongKong businessman from Shenzhen to Chengdu, long-distance bus had just passed through here in the next, when suddenly his head was a gun to resist force him to go after criminals stole personal belongings ATM card to take money from criminals pay no attention to Hong Kong businessmen to take advantage of Linweibuju grabbed the gun thugs, criminals panic to escape, the Public Security Bureau received a report, with dogs rushed to the scene a few minutes after the police dog led police officers, crossing a few roads across the four lanes, finally catch up near the train station in Chengdu a computer room, sitting inside the wearer to bite between a young man, already shaken each other, suddenly there were no real attacks, even shivering, bow their hands repeatedly supplicate: "I am accountable! I confess," followed by incoming police officers, his possession of stolen goods, which is the city after the introduction of police dogs detected the first significant cases from dogs "small peak" will be recorded merit of first。

3. 帮用英文翻译几个句子


( Stuffed dumpling Pi Tan in palm, if the peel too dry speech not good pinches, therefore you may dip a water in the edge. )2:把陷放在中间,还可以先把中间捏上,再用双手挤一下。看你的习惯了,边不用太厚,也不能太薄,但是一定要捏紧。

( Among falls places, but also may pinch first among, then uses both hands to push.Looked your be used to it, has not used too thick, also cannot too be thin, but must certainly pinch tightly.) 3:在包饺子时,人们常常将金如意、糖、花生、枣和栗子等包进馅里。吃到如意、吃到糖的人,来年的日子更甜美,吃到花生的人将健康长寿,吃到枣和栗子的人将早生贵子。

( When makes dumplings, people frequently gold pleasant, sugar, peanut, jujube and chestnut Bao in Jinxian and so on.Eats the human who pleasant, eats the sugar, the next year day is more delightful, the human who eats the peanut the healthy longevity, will eat the jujube and chestnut's person early lives the expensive child. )4:4:;在煮饺子时,开水沸腾后下水饺,盖锅盖,等沸腾后回入少许的凉水再次煮开,然后小火煮,再煮开再加少许水,用勺子逆时针推水饺,推个一两圈,水饺完全煮透了即可食用,这样子煮的水饺才不会被煮烂。 煮15分钟就好了· ( When boiled dumpling, after the boiling water ebullition under the boiled dumplings, cover the pot cover, after and so on the ebullitions returns to into the little cold water to boil up once more, then the flame boils, again boils up adds the little water again, anti-clockwise pushes the boiled dumplings with the ladle, pushes 12, the boiled dumplings boiled completely thoroughly then edible, this appearance boiled the boiled dumplings only then could not boil till mushy. Boiled 15 minutes well ·) 5: 你觉得饺子像什么?,把捏成弯月形的饺子两角对拉捏在一起,呈“元宝”形,摆在盖帘上,象征着财富遍地,金银满屋。


(You thought what the stuffed dumpling does look like? Pinches the curved lune the stuffed dumpling two jiao to pull pinches in the same place, assumes “the silver piece” the shape, suspends in covers on the curtain, is symbolizing the wealth everywhere, money full room.Pinches the stuffed dumpling the wheat ear shape pattern, looks like a pellet full, the gigantic incomparable wheat ear, is symbolizing the new annual meeting bumper grain harvest.But more is becomes the stuffed dumpling package several kind of shapes, indicates the next year will be able the wealth full room, the grain full warehouse, the life to progress day by day. )6:我们也希望能将这份祝福带给你们家, ( We also hoped can take to you this blessing the family. )。


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