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1. 英语对话改写成短文

Lucy had a wonderful weekend.On Saturday morning she palyed tennis. And on Saturday afternoon she went to the beach , on Saturday night she also went to the movies.On Sunday she cleaned my room ,played soccer and did my homework. 这个对话主要是Lucy 和Bob在谈论copyLucy的周末怎么过。

加上适当对时间的删减,这样应该可以zd交差了吧? 加油!你可以学好英语的。

2. 【改成短文(英语)把下面的对话改成短文:ASSISTANT:

An assistant showed a lady a dress ,and the lady liked its color .But the blue too small for her.So the assistant have to change another lovely and smart one .After the lady tried the green one,she found it even smaller than the former .And for the color,it didn't suit her at all.At last,she asked the assistant to show her another blue dress with suitable size for her.However,that was the largest dress in the shop.。

3. 【帮忙把下面的对话改写为短文(不是翻译)Interviewer:Goodevening,

They usually have lunch at school.They seldom eat out on school days.I:Do they have a short rest after lunch?M:No,they don't.I:What time is school over,then?M:At about 3 o'clock.I:What do they do in their free time M:They often play basketball or soccer,go swimming and so on.I:And how often do they have ball games?M:They have ball games four time s a year.。

4. 英语对话改写成短文

Lucy had a wonderful weekend.On Saturday morning she palyed tennis. And on Saturday afternoon she went to the beach , on Saturday night she also went to the movies.On Sunday she cleaned my room ,played soccer and did my homework. 这个对话主要是Lucy 和Bob在谈论Lucy的周末怎么过。

加上适当对时间的删减,这样应该可以交差了吧? 加油!你可以学好英语的。

5. 把下面对话改成短文

How do you do?

How do you do?

Where do you come from ?

I come from England.But I seldom live there.

Where do you usually live thenSometimes I live in China,sometimes in Japan.But I never live in America. Why?

I am a teacher of English.China and Japan need me!

6. 【阅读对话,改写成短文Peter:Whendoyougotoyourmusiclesson,Mary?

Peter asked Mary when she goes to her music lesson.Mary said she goes to her music lesson every Monday after school.Then Peter asked Mary if Susan goes with her.Mary told him that Susan goes on Thursday and she plays at home all the other days.。

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